Sunday, December 27, 2009

Starting Over, Again

I'm new to this whole Blog thing, this is day one... 9 inches of snow in K.C. is making me stir crazy! As the New Year approaches, I have an overwhelming need for inspiration, change and above all personal growth! I figure, this blog is step one in facing some demons and finding Gratitude.

I am Grateful for the following, in no particular order:

-Leo, my Yellow Lab, as he snores at the foot of the bed.
-George, my grumpy kitten.
-My Momma
-My fiancee
-To have a good job, with good benefits
-Road Trips
-A line to the Divine

X-Mas is finally over, back to work tomorrow... Looking forward to the New Year.... I'd like to really feel a sense of accomplishment in every day this year, and to never waste another day hungover on my couch.

Here Goes!

P.S. My landlord has been snow-blowing the sidewalks in the neighborhood non-stop since Thurs. He's a nut!


  1. Jessica, guess I didn't realize you are new here. When I came into this blog world 18 months ago, it was suggested that I visit blogs and "farm" their sidebars, go to those blogs, be sure to comment on their posts and build a clientele of followers in a short time.

    Already I see you have a fine example of bloggers who you follow on your blog-roll.

    Is your snow-blowing landlord a heavy drinker? LOL! I want to tell you something about Gratitude Lists: I L O V E them! And yours is good. Gratitude is a powerful ingredient in my sobriety...daily, sometimes hourly.

    Thanks for a good post.

  2. Beautiful things you are grateful for...

  3. Welcome in the blog world. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I am new to gratitude lists and I simply become to love them. It surely helps me to be more aware and thankful. Hugs across the pond

  4. My daily morning meditation and prayers include many recovery blogs and I am happy to have another blogger friend. I have made many friends who I feel as close to as my f2f Alanon and AA friends. I'm glad you are blogging.

